Medicine packs classified ‘prescription only’ can be obtained only against a valid prescription issued by an authorised health professional. The prescription needs to be taken to a pharmacy where the medicine is prepared under the supervision of a pharmacist. Sometimes the prescription is filled at a dispensing doctor’s surgery. A member of the public cannot buy these medicine (POM).

A rectangular box enclosing the letters POM appears on the packs of these medicines.

In general, these medicines are used for conditions that are best diagnosed and managed by health professionals. Examples of these medicines include virtually all antibiotics and medicines for treating high blood pressure.

A medicine will be non-prescription unless it fulfils the criteria for prescription control as set out below.

Their status will apply where:

  • a direct or indirect danger exists to human health, even when used correctly, if used without medical supervision
  • there is frequently incorrect use which could lead to direct or indirect danger to human health
  • further investigation of activity and/or side-effects is required
  • the product is normally prescribed for parenteral administration (by injection)

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