Tres-Orix Forte Capsules 20’s


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Product Description

Tres-Orix Forte Capsule 20’s contains Carnitine ,Cyproheptadine Orotate,and  Lisine Hcl. Also, the supplement has vitamin B1, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6 as active ingredients. Tres Orix is a vitamin fortified syrup which increases the appetite. It increases fatty acid metabolism and allows the body to efficiently use energy. It also effects multiple metabolic processes,important for hemoglobin formulation and also maintains nitrogen balance and helps the body conserve calcium.

Tres-Orix Forte Capsule 20’s is used for Ssri-induced sexual dysfunction, Migraine, Vitamin b12 deficiency, Cyclical vomiting syndrome, Systemic primary carnitine deficiency, Cyanide poisoning, Hereditary deficiency of transcobalamin ii, Schilling test for detecting pernicious anemia, Allergies, Vasomotor mucosal edema and other conditions.