- Malaria test and treatment depends on many factors : disease severity, the species of malaria parasite causing the infection, and the part of the world in which the infection was acquired. This determines the probability if the organism is resistant to certain antimalarial drugs. Additional factors such as age, weight, and pregnancy status affect the options for malaria treatment.
Symptoms: The symptoms of malaria are generally non-specific and most commonly consist of fever, headache, malaise, weakness, gastrointestinal distress (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), neurologic complaints (dizziness, confusion, disorientation, coma), back pain, myalgia, chills, and/or cough. The diagnosis of malaria should also be considered in any person with fever of unknown origin regardless of travel history.
- To diagnose malaria, a drop of blood is put on a specially treated slide(blood smear) then . Later it is sent to a laboratory for professionals to examine under a microscope and look for malaria parasites. The number of malaria parasites can vary at times. It’s important to find out whether you have malaria so you can get treated quickly.