Country Life Co Q10 100Mg 60Caps


Country Life Co Q10 100Mg 60Caps contains Coenzyme Q10 which is necessary for basic cell function and energy production.

  • This is particularly in those most metabolically active cells in the heart muscles
  • It is therefore not surprising to find the highest concentrations of co-enzyme Q10 in those organs, which have the highest energy requirements such as the heart muscle and liver, and in those tissues that regenerate quickly such as the gums.
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Country Life Co Q10 100Mg 60Caps contains Coenzyme Q10 which is necessary for basic cell function and energy production.

  • This is particularly in those most metabolically active cells in the heart muscles
  • CoQ10 is not intended to serve as a replacement for statin therapy,
  • nor should you discontinue taking any prescribed medications while supplementing with CoQ10.