Cinnabar Essential Oil Frankincense in skincare helps treat many skin blemishes. Generally, it is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, skin-toning, antibacterial, and skin-rejuvenating. It is also an excellent stress reliever. Therefore, it assists in meditation.
It is known to help treat many skin blemishes such as scars, wounds, wrinkles and dry and mature complexions. It is also an excellent stress reliever, due to its ability to help slow down and deepen the breath thus assisting in meditation. Generally, it is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic; astringent, carminative, skin-toning, antibacterial and skin-rejuvenating.
Tips for Blending: It blends well with our geranium, lavender; sweet orange and cinnamon. It fixes those oils with volatile top notes, making their fragrance last longer and modifies the citrus essential oils in an intriguing way.